Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Where are the human shields now?

I just read Spotlessmind's post about Henryk Broder's editorial about anti-Bush sentiments...and this paragraph made me smile:

Und was machen die Friedensfreunde aus dem alten Europa? Sie halten sich vornehm zurück. Bis jetzt ist noch keines der "menschliches Schutzschilde" in den Irak gereist, um Wahllokale, Polizeistationen und Moscheen vor Angriffen der Terroristen zu beschützen, wie sie es mit Raffinerien vor den Angriffen der Amerikaner getan haben.

Translation: "And what are all the peace activists from old Europe doing? They are elegently restraining themselves. Up to this point, no "human shield" has traveled to Iraq, to protect voting stations, police stations and mosques from terrorist attacks, how they so elaborately did before the American attacks."



Blogger Travel Ohio and beyond said...

Good point about the polling stations. Where are the peaceniks now?

10:06 PM  

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