Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Initial government response to NOLA a total failure, individual response heroic

The initial official response to the New Orleans situation is just an embarrassment. However, the stories of individual heroism are truly inspiring. And it seems to be that these stories are proving to be the norm, even though all we have seen lately on television is the looting and complete disaster of the Superdrome. Stories of individuals ferrying out families on private boats, or getting people together in safer areas, or even commandeering buses to drive people out partly make-up for the lamentable stories of gross-mismanagement the part of those who were supposed to be in charge.

We can quibble over who is responsible: I am personally of the opinion that the blame is to start at the level of the mayor, then the governor, and then the federal level...and others believe it goes the other way around. It doesn't really matter, the end result is that those who were responsible, let down in a big way.

And those who picked up the slack are heroes.


Blogger airforcewife said...

There is definately blame to go around to all governmental entities.

Most of the commenting Americans on TV, though, have failed to remember basic Civics and Pol Sci 101 classes (I was a pol sci major/public admin emphasis).

It is the job of the localities to coordinate emergency operations - that's why you saw Giuliani taking the lead in NY. The local people, the local leadership, the federal dime. Feds can only come in WHEN ASKED because of separation of powers and states' rights issues.

To take over for a failing state government is a huge deal, and one which would have led to a slew of charges of "cowboying" and other kinds of charges of racism, I'm sure. The federal government was in a lose/lose situation - however, when your choice is to let your own people suffer and look bad, or follow the rules and look bad, I wish they had earlier opted for the former.

You hit the nail on the head about individual Americans, though. They stepped up in an amazing way, and with an enterprising spirit (a nation of McGyvers, truly).

6:32 PM  
Blogger CaliValleyGirl said...

Just wanted to add to this: tell me ONE thing that the mayor of New Orleans did, and the governor, which was following protocol of how to react in an emergency. Then you can start arguing that maybe he isn't responsible. But as far as I saw he only whined.

6:51 PM  

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